Drug Screening

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)

Our state-of-the-art platform leverages iPSC-derived cells to revolutionize the drug discovery and development process, offering unparalleled precision, efficiency, and relevance.

Why iPSC?

A robust iPSC generation platform

NutrigeneAI establishes an advanced platform to transform human somatic cells into iPSCs at a high conversion rate. Our research platform is advantageous in developing iPSC-based downstream applications.

Chemically generated iPSCs

Small molecules can enhance the reprogramming process by modulating signaling pathways or epigenetic mechanisms. These compounds can either replace certain reprogramming factors (Yamanaka factors) or augment the activity of the existing factors. Genetic reprogramming is not necessary with higher cost-effectiveness.

Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) permeabilization

BBB prevents drugs from entering the brain. By differentiating our iPSCs into endothelial cells, we can establish an endothelial cell monolayer platform to study the permeabilization of BBB for drug entry.

3D Blood Vessel Scaffold

With 3D printing technology, endothelial cells derived from iPSCs could be incorporated into 3D blood vessel scaffold model. We can mimic vascular conditions with patient’s cells, and test for any potential treatment ex vivo.



Endothelial Cell Testing


Cardiotoxicity Testing


Neurotoxicity Testing

Our Technology Platform

Advanced Differentiation Protocols

Automated High-Throughput Screening

Data Analytics and AI Integration